Organizations have an impact on sustainability! Do you have a paper (idea) with impact?

Organizations have an impact on sustainability! Do you have a paper (idea) with impact? Submit to our NBM Conference track “Exploring Organizational Impact” – Until 31st January 2021!

Whether or not organizations employ truly sustainable business models depends on how they are designed and implemented as well as the environmental and social impacts they have.

Yet, while the impact organizations around the world have is tremendous, actionable knowledge about how to assess, manage, and design organizational impact is limited.

At this year’s (online) International Conference on New Business Models we invite you to our track on “Exploring Organizational Impact”.

We will shed light on (1) ways to assess and manage the sustainability performance of business models, and (2) how business model patterns serve as design tools for sustainable business models.

Track information and call for papers:

This track is related to a special issue in Journal of Cleaner Production:

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